Tuesday, December 23, 2008

dusk with a dawn that won't break

these are dark days of downfall
damaged, i tread down this path
derailed and downtrodden: deranged
daunted, i fear
and decidedly damned

bordering on devastation
deliberately don the drab dress of despair
delve deep in this dharma, so drastic and dismal
dive downwards, downstream, eyes downcast

there is no delicious distraction
no durable discipline, none
i feel drugged and denied,
nigh demolished and dry
diligent only in drama,
diverted from course and declined
deeper forever this road, desperate,
disposed in these doomed, darkened domes

disposition will not deviate
from designs and devising by rote
damned if i do, dread if i don't
i am the downside, the drawback, the don't
i'm drenched in duress,
drink up the delicate drops
of dejection, and let them,
drip slow down my throat
the discourse is doubt
that delivers the deathblow
assessing the death-toll
deformed details fall out
dissonant decibels dealt loud on deaf eardrums
decayed and embittered, this drought

i come to discover the depths of this spiral
destined to dusk with a dawn that won't break
the doors to my dungeon have swallowed
and drums dole out dirges
for dwindling hopes

i dredge bygone days, the debacle to quell
to detain deadly spindle collecting my debts
but its thread's everlasting
ever dropping's its spell
and the yarns won't detangle
bound and despondent i'll stay

these darts on my side
drain blood, trust and desire
the shell that i'm left with,
this carcass is dour
in diffidence,
drive desists, broken and tired
descending the dire direction to dwell

discord takes my soul to rend
dermis dissolves under cruel dynamics
distressed that my wishes won't mend
disconcerting directness, definitive blow
dust settles, beginning the end

the dune dares not wait to devour
dark druids and dryads surround as i'm torn
tormented, so distant the respite, so dim
in deep, wallow and tumble, alone

the din all around won't die down
the dogs of the demons dine slow
at my insides, the duel between wisdom and soul
dismayed in this duty to burn and to drown
to wallow and tumble, to dwell
the mud, muck and mire, to bathe in
devilish dervish to dance until dead,
dislocated, dissected and bled
to detach, disembark and farewell
to diminish and finally fade

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